More Confidence = More Collections
We Offer Two Ways To Train Your Team Today
1. FCDPA Certification
The Main Course: Train, test, and certify your team on everything collectors need to understand about FCDPA and Reg F compliance. Put your team through the course that has been used by hundreds of companies to train thousands of collectors since 2012!
Train, test, and certify your team on the most effective collection processes, techniques and styles in this fun, new collector training from Tim Paulsen, the acclaimed director of The International Centre for Professional Collections.

About The Course
Today’s compliance environment demands a comprehensive approach to make sure every consumer interaction is conducted by a trained professional operating under strict guidelines.
After all sections have been successfully completed, there is an 80-question final exam. Once the final exam has been successfully completed, the student is issued a personalized certificate.
Want a sense of how the course “feels”? take a look at Section 801/802 below.
Get FDCPA certified and have more confidence speaking with Consumers

FREE for 30 days!
Daily Test Questions Pushed to Students
Answer Tracking
Get Questions via Email, SMS or Integration
Comprehensive Reporting
Student Management Console
Earn Ongoing Certification
Get the Daily Testing Package
Guided Course Up Front
Quizzes on Each Section
Final Exam
Earn and Maintain Certification
Earn RMA Certification Credits
CLE Eligible (in some states)
Text of FDCPA & Video Training
Written Analysis
Quizzes on Each Section
Final Exam & Earn a Certificate
CLE Eligible (in some states)
Earn RMA Certification Credits
Generous Volume Discounts
Annual Recertification Option
If you have a lot of collectors to train, we are happy to work with you on monthly payment plans. We can automatically charge a credit card or send an invoice.
Let us know how you want to work with us, and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! When you take the course, you are granted access to all materials (videos, analysis, etc). That access won’t go away after the course has been completed. You’ll be able to log in and review the materials and your tests, or download your certificate anytime you wish.
Yes, a unique certificate is automatically issued upon the successful completion of the final exam. Both you and your students will be able to view and print their certificates on demand.
Yes! Come and go as you please. Their progress will be retained and they can pick up right where they left off.
The course has 11 modules, covering sections 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810-811-812, 813 and 814-815-816. Each module contains:
- Several short videos discussing the section(s) of FDCPA
- A short quiz which must be passed to move on to the next section
After passing the final section, the student will get to the final exam.
You would set up a free admin account first, then purchase as many enrollments as you need from inside your account. It is all very straightforward. If you have more than 3 students to enroll, you will benefit from our volume pricing.
The concept is simple – we help you reach every collector every day with a compliance testing process. They have a daily test question pushed from our FDCPA database (by email, SMS text or through one of our collection software partner integrations). Each answer is tracked, and you begin building a file from day one of your compliance process that can be shared with clients, prospective clients or regulators.
The FDCPA Certification course is widely recognized as one of the best resources for continuing legal education in the debt collection, creditor, and legal arenas.
FDCPA Certifications has been approved as an RMAi “Authorized Education Provider” offering the FDCPA Certification course good for 4 credit hours.
Contact Us
Your decision to incorporate training and testing into your collector’s routine is a sound one. If you have any questions or would like some help to get signed up, please fill out the form on this page or call us at (877) 99-FDCPA